Sunday, August 17, 2008

The Advantages Of Credit Cards

Category: Finance, Credit.

Credit cards are pretty much a way of life in the United States.

But do you really need them? Many people not only use them for most daily purchases, they carry balances from month to month on them It s hard for most to picture life without them. Well, no, not really need as such. The Advantages of Credit Cards. But most people love having them and the advantages they get from having one or more credit cards. Convenience is a big factor for many people.

And if you lose your card, you re generally not held responsible for the purchases made by someone else. Carrying cash and/ or writing checks for purchases just isn t as easy as swiping your credit card. You hardly ever get lost cash returned to you. Your credit card statement shows each and every purchase you make with it. They re also a great way to track your monthly spending. That can be pretty handy when you re wondering where your money is going.

If you re doing this right these can be a very nice benefit for spending the money you d be spending anyhow. Depending on the card you have, you may get other benefits as well, such as cash back or rewards points. If you shop online, a credit card is almost a must. Many online stores have prices you would have a great deal of trouble beating locally, and often you can only find certain things online to begin with. Online shopping without one is considerably less convenient. A credit card is also one of the simplest ways to maintain an active credit history. The Disadvantages of Credit Cards.

If you want to make a major purchase someday, such as a house or a car, having a solid credit history makes a big difference in what loans will cost you. That s not to say credit cards are all good. Many people end up paying quite a bit in interest because the money they spend on their credit card just isn t quite real to them. Perhaps the biggest disadvantage is how easy it is to fall into the debt traps. Overspending quickly becomes debts you will need to pay, and money spent on interest payments. Not just on your credit card in many cases.

The interest rate can be quite the disadvantage, especially if you slip up and make a late payment. If the card issuer finds out you messed up elsewhere you may also be subject to significantly higher interest rates. Even a rewards card can have disadvantages if you aren t using it right. And of course paying interest means your purchases are costing you more than they appeared to at first. Many carry higher interest rates, so that those who carry balances really are not getting more for their money. Those who are good with their money in all forms can avoid all these traps, however. It s an important factor to consider.

If you can keep it paid off and don t select a card with an annual fee, they re wonderful tools. But if you tend to have money troubles, carrying a credit card can be little more than a trap.

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